sexta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2011

A Little Something, a Big Everything // Chapter 1 - Angel of Death

28th December 1986
And then she born, after four hours of pain, the third of the Sheppards was outside, ready to control the world, ready to be our world. Ok, actually, she is the first of our biological child, but they don’t need to know, they’re all brothers, we are a family.  She looked like a little angel, and I knew that I needed to take care of her, because she was absolutely stunning.

“I’m sorry, but you have to get out of here”.

And the nurse kicked me out of the room where my wife and daughter were.

“Mr. Sheppard, I’m sorry, we did everything we could to save Martha, but she passed away” – and my whole world fell apart.  I couldn’t believe it! That little creature had killed her, had killed my only love, my eternal heart, the other piece of my soul.

“But… But how?” – I asked, sobbing. Their obligation was to take care of my wife’s heatlh, and everything was ok with her, at least until this creature was born to ruin everything.

“She had an aneurism and, with the all the push from the labor, it burst.”

I knew it… She was an angel… An Angel of DEATH!  Since the first day that Martha felt the pregnancy, that fetus was rotting the womb of my everything. I’ll make you miserable, you’re not my daughter, you’re DEVIL’s daughter!

14th March 2009 (Present day)

I can’t believe, I hate you!”

And the truck hit the car… All I could see was a pair of lights pointed directly to the glass, and the car full of his blood… Of my blood, after all, we were family.
I called the paramedics, and they took him to the hospital, the same one where I was born, the same one where I had an abortion…

“No, please, I need you to take care of me”. Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. That noise from the machine cut me all the hope, I was alone now, handed over to the wolves. And the last thing I’ve said to him was a not truthful “I hate you”. He was the best, how could I hate him? It was him who saved me from my dad, who taught me what love was… He was my truly guardian angel.

-“FUCK!” – I yelled, jumping of my bed.

-“What happened Soph?”

Nitai was my best friend; she is absolutely gorgeous, with that incredible blue eyes, that kiss shaped lips and her incredible breasts that jump of that perfect body witch I dream of for years that have been my doom since forever... Her life isn’t easy as well, probably that is one of the reasons why we move along so well. She was raised by a poor family in Canada, and she move to US when she was 17, where she started to work in a coffee shop. But her biggest dream was to become a chef in a big hotel.

I was breathless and and the sweat dripping all over my face. I was incapable of saying a word, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t breathe, I was petrified.

-“It was that dream again? Baby, talk to me, please! You’re scaring me.” – She said, touching my freezing body, making it go warmth. I was shivering with pleasure as those soft hands touched my body, and it felt good.

-“Yes pumpkin, I dreamed about the accident again, I don’t know what’s happening!” – I lied. I did know what was happening, the day was closer, and he was too, I could feel it, I could sense him while I was sleeping, his breath beneath my skin, his hands touching in my face, his eyes traveling through my body, like in the day before the accident, when my… our father catch us.

-“Come here.”

And she squeezed me into her boobs, she knew that I liked that, I felt so protected and so wet. I’m not a lesbian, but her body turned me on, I wanted her so desperately, my fingers touching her hot pussy, making her yelling from pleasure.

-“Hey Soph, don’t fall asleep!”

-“Oh, sorry, I was… Thinking about the dream!”

-“Don’t worry baby…”

I did fell asleep, and, when I woke up,  she had gone… I remembered that she had gone to work and I was all alone, so I went take a bath and extinguish the fire that Ni had gave to me. She was incredible hot!

Thirty minutes later I decided to go to the secretary and read the last letter from Cris Sheppard, my brother, my best friend, my lover.

My baby, my dear, my butterfly:

We both know how much impossible our love is, most impossible than Romeo and Juliette, because, despite their family’s issues, they weren’t brother and sister.

I’m afraid, afraid of what could happen if anyone discovers us, discover our love or our relation…And if one day you stopped loving me, stop feeling what you say you feel?
what if you ever lose me, what if I go to a place where I can no more be found, what would you do? Will you leave everything to come and seek me, even if it is a wast of time? Will go into the unknown, only to find the person you love most in this world?
Or will you seek happiness and comfort from someone who you will learn to like? Someone who is not as complicated as I am, someone who doesn’t have the same blood through the veins, someone who isn’t from your family.

Do the promises make any sense now ?
 Tomorrow is a different day ...Tomorrow something could happen that everyone thinks is impossible, tomorrow you will find another guy more perfect than the first and only so far ...You can experience new things with it, you can see with it is that you want to spend your day, not with me ...
And what shall I do, in this world, all alone, completely lost without the brightness of your eyes?
What shall I do without your smile to give color to my life? If life  still exists at the time ... I know what I will do now, I know I want to grab you, to have you with me forever, I do not want to risk running out of you, never ... The time has come now ... No, I only want your happiness, I want your happiness with me.

I want to grab you and make you feel the most beautiful princess in this world, I want to be part of your fairy tale.

And baby, dad won’t hurt you, no more, I promise you… I’m here for you, always.

From the one that is always yours,                                                                                      
                                                                                                              Christopher Sheppard

That 'always' was pounding in my head, like if he was there, saying that he still loved me, that he was still waiting for me.

-“Hey baby, what are you doing?”

-“Nothing Barbie, I’m just rambling.” And I crumpled the paper.

-“Humm, ok. Lunch is ready baby.”

-“I’m coming.”

Barbie is the typical daddy's girl: her parents are rich and she's only child, and, therefore she's used to have everything she wants. She is like a Barbie of the modern times; with a golden colored hair and bright eyes, she only needed to blink to have anything she wanted, men included.

Hum, her dinner is chicken… Barbie seems to cook so well… One day Soph will invite me to go dinner to her home, so I could dinner her in the bathroom… She looks so hot in her pajamas, and so innocent with those bunny slippers. But I know she isn’t that innocent, I know her like the palms of my hands, and she’ll be mine…28th December 1986
And then she born, after four hours of pain, the third of the Sheppards was outside, ready to control the world, ready to be our world. Ok, actually, she is the first of our biological child, but they don’t need to know, they’re all brothers, we are a family.  She looked like a little angel, and I knew that I needed to take care of her, because she was absolutely stunning.

“I’m sorry, but you have to get out of here”.

And the nurse kicked me out of the room where my wife and daughter were.

“Mr. Sheppard, I’m sorry, we did everything we could to save Martha, but she passed away” – and my whole world fell apart.  I couldn’t believe it! That little creature had killed her, had killed my only love, my eternal heart, the other piece of my soul.

“But… But how?” – I asked, sobbing. Their obligation was to take care of my wife’s heatlh, and everything was ok with her, at least until this creature was born to ruin everything.

“She had an aneurism and, with the all the push from the labor, it burst.”

I knew it… She was an angel… An Angel of DEATH!  Since the first day that Martha felt the pregnancy, that fetus was rotting the womb of my everything. I’ll make you miserable, you’re not my daughter, you’re DEVIL’s daughter!

14th March 2009 (Present day)

I can’t believe, I hate you!”

And the truck hit the car… All I could see was a pair of lights pointed directly to the glass, and the car full of his blood… Of my blood, after all, we were family.
I called the paramedics, and they took him to the hospital, the same one where I was born, the same one where I had an abortion…

“No, please, I need you to take care of me”. Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. That noise from the machine cut me all the hope, I was alone now, handed over to the wolves. And the last thing I’ve said to him was a not truthful “I hate you”. He was the best, how could I hate him? It was him who saved me from my dad, who taught me what love was… He was my truly guardian angel.

-“FUCK!” – I yelled, jumping of my bed.

-“What happened Soph?”

Nitai was my best friend; she is absolutely gorgeous, with that incredible blue eyes, that kiss shaped lips and her incredible breasts that jump of that perfect body witch I dream of for years that have been my doom since forever... Her life isn’t easy as well, probably that is one of the reasons why we move along so well. She was raised by a poor family in Canada, and she move to US when she was 17, where she started to work in a coffee shop. But her biggest dream was to become a chef in a big hotel.

I was breathless and and the sweat dripping all over my face. I was incapable of saying a word, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t breathe, I was petrified.

-“It was that dream again? Baby, talk to me, please! You’re scaring me.” – She said, touching my freezing body, making it go warmth. I was shivering with pleasure as those soft hands touched my body, and it felt good.

-“Yes pumpkin, I dreamed about the accident again, I don’t know what’s happening!” – I lied. I did know what was happening, the day was closer, and he was too, I could feel it, I could sense him while I was sleeping, his breath beneath my skin, his hands touching in my face, his eyes traveling through my body, like in the day before the accident, when my… our father catch us.

-“Come here.”

And she squeezed me into her boobs, she knew that I liked that, I felt so protected and so wet. I’m not a lesbian, but her body turned me on, I wanted her so desperately, my fingers touching her hot pussy, making her yelling from pleasure.

-“Hey Soph, don’t fall asleep!”

-“Oh, sorry, I was… Thinking about the dream!”

-“Don’t worry baby…”

I did fell asleep, and, when I woke up,  she had gone… I remembered that she had gone to work and I was all alone, so I went take a bath and extinguish the fire that Ni had gave to me. She was incredible hot!

Thirty minutes later I decided to go to the secretary and read the last letter from Cris Sheppard, my brother, my best friend, my lover.

My baby, my dear, my butterfly:

We both know how much impossible our love is, most impossible than Romeo and Juliette, because, despite their family’s issues, they weren’t brother and sister.

I’m afraid, afraid of what could happen if anyone discovers us, discover our love or our relation…And if one day you stopped loving me, stop feeling what you say you feel?
what if you ever lose me, what if I go to a place where I can no more be found, what would you do? Will you leave everything to come and seek me, even if it is a wast of time? Will go into the unknown, only to find the person you love most in this world?
Or will you seek happiness and comfort from someone who you will learn to like? Someone who is not as complicated as I am, someone who doesn’t have the same blood through the veins, someone who isn’t from your family.

Do the promises make any sense now ?
 Tomorrow is a different day ...Tomorrow something could happen that everyone thinks is impossible, tomorrow you will find another guy more perfect than the first and only so far ...You can experience new things with it, you can see with it is that you want to spend your day, not with me ...
And what shall I do, in this world, all alone, completely lost without the brightness of your eyes?
What shall I do without your smile to give color to my life? If life  still exists at the time ... I know what I will do now, I know I want to grab you, to have you with me forever, I do not want to risk running out of you, never ... The time has come now ... No, I only want your happiness, I want your happiness with me.

I want to grab you and make you feel the most beautiful princess in this world, I want to be part of your fairy tale.

And baby, dad won’t hurt you, no more, I promise you… I’m here for you, always.

From the one that is always yours,                                                                                      
                                                                                                              Christopher Sheppard

That 'always' was pounding in my head, like if he was there, saying that he still loved me, that he was still waiting for me.

-“Hey baby, what are you doing?”

-“Nothing Barbie, I’m just rambling.” And I crumpled the paper.

-“Humm, ok. Lunch is ready baby.”

-“I’m coming.”

Barbie is the typical daddy's girl: her parents are rich and she's only child, and, therefore she's used to have everything she wants. She is like a Barbie of the modern times; with a golden colored hair and bright eyes, she only needed to blink to have anything she wanted, men included.

Hum, her dinner is chicken… Barbie seems to cook so well… One day Soph will invite me to go dinner to her home, so I could dinner her in the bathroom… She looks so hot in her pajamas, and so innocent with those bunny slippers. But I know she isn’t that innocent, I know her like the palms of my hands, and she’ll be mine… 

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